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Jul 29, 2011· KAP1 is a critical regulator of normal development and differentiation (see TRIM28 in the Transcription Factor Encyclopedia Database); mice deficient in KAP1 die prior to gastrulation (), whereas mice with KAP1 specifically deleted in the adult forebrain exhibit heightened levels of anxiety and stress-induced alterations in learning and memory ().

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Kapan (Armenian: Կապան), is a town at the southeast of Armenia, serving as the administrative centre of the urban community of Kapan as well as the provincial capital of Syunik Province.It is located in the valley of the Voghji River, on the northern slopes of Mount Khustup.According to the 2011 census, the population of Kapan is 43,190, slightly declined from 45,711 in the 2001 census.

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