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Halloween is a collection of 33 previously stories all having something to do with Halloween. Three of the stories are from the 1800s, but most (19) are from 2000 or later. Three of the stories are from the 1800s, but most (19) are from 2000 or later.

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Since the original M16 is the first pattern AR-15 select fire rifle that was adopted in 1964 by the US Air Force in Vietnam (and also given to the ARVN) all appearances of the slab side M16 in movies and television shows would be either the Class III Colt M16 or the commercially available Colt AR-15 SP1 rifle.

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Crane Barges - Barges for Sale. This 150-tonne Crane Barge was built in 2003 and its Classification Society is ... This 160-tonne Floating Crane Barge was built in Feb., 1995 in Japan. ...This 150-ton Self Propelled Revolving Floating Crane was built in 2011 and is...

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