View 2013 Farmi ch380 hfc Wood chipper / Grinder at in France | Agriaffaires Your experience on our website is our priority. We therefore use cookies, as we legitimately have our hearts set on improving user experience, producing statistics and offering ad inserts based on your areas of interest, including, with your consent, local ones.
Above you can find the manuals, specifications and technical documentation of Farmi Chopper CH 380 HFC. Specifications and technical data can help you determine the technical requirements of the machine you intend to buy.On Mascus website you can also buy Farmi Chopper CH 380 HFC as well as learn more about the brand Farmi.
O destroçador flrestal FARMI transforma em estilha troncos e ramos de árvores, arbustos, madeira. A estilha é aproveitada como recurso energético e matéria prima (sistemas de aquecimento, etc.), para compostagem do solo, compactação de caminhos (pistas de jogging, parques, jardins, caminhos) e reciclagem em geral.
12 3 3 4 FARMI 380 HF FARMI 380 HFC FARMI 380 FARMI 380 FARMI 380 energiahakkuri urakointiin FARMI 380 HF ja HFC -hakkureissa korostuvat FARMI -hakkurien parhaat ominaisuudet, kuten erinomainen hakelaatu, tehokas syöttö ja kustannustehokkuus -> suuri tuottavuus pienellä polttoaineen kulutuksella.
A Farmi wood chipper is suitable for a variety of applications, such as energy chipping, landscaping, soil improvement and more. No-one can accuse a Farmi chipper of not being versatile, tree trunks, logging and sawmill waste, saplings, twigs and branches are good raw material for chips and can be chipped with a Farmi wood chipper.
The Farmi CH 260 HFC wood chipper and crane combination is a cost-effective, strong and productive solution for seasonal or full-time contractors. The professional sized crane can be used separately as a log loader and can be paired with a Farmi forest timber trailer (as well as many other brands, please check with trailer manufacturer).
In the section above, we provide you with the operator's manuals, technical specs and documentation of Farmi Chopper CH 380 HFC. All the available information can help you to determine the model of the machine you intend to buy.Mascus online platform also gives the opportunity to buy Farmi Chopper CH 380 HFC and to find out more about the Farmi brand.