State ATTACHMENT 4.19-A PageS 4.19 Payments for Remedial Care and Services ATTACHMENT 4.19-A Inpatient Hospital Services ¢ompensate aeuto care hospillb for the care provided to the inaurad population.Tho evaluations were reviewed and If two or more concurred dW a ORO " wei&hl did !lOt IPPCII'rcuolllblo, tbmI that DRO wu identi&d u. low volume OaG.
Gannett Newspaper Fired Employee One Week After His Return from Medical Leave, Federal Agency Charged. JACKSON, Tenn. – The Jackson Sun, a Gannett daily newspaper in Jackson, Tenn., will pay $150,000 and provide other relief to settle a disability lawsuit brought by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the agency announced today.
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