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SBM-120-UV LEDs are specified for radiometric flux and peak wavelength at a drive current of 2.25 A and placed into one of the following Power Bins and Wavelength Bins: Color Flux Bin (F) Minimum Flux (W) Maximum Flux (W)

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SBM Offshore is a world market leader in leased floating production systems and the supply of large complex turret mooring systems. Our core activity is the design, supply, installation, operation and the life extension of Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO ...

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SBM Offshore’s former CEO Tony Mace has been sentenced to three years in prison for his involvement in an international bribery conspiracy. Mace, a UK-citizen, who left the CEO position of the FPSO supplier SBM Offshore back in December 2011, was sentenced to 36 months in …

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